Milkman Kosta is blessed with good fortune: not only does he make it across the front line unscathed on his donkey day after day, but he is also chosen as a bridegroom by the village beauty Milena. But then Kosta falls head over heels in love with a mysterious Italian woman who, however, is already promised to the war hero Žaga and, on top of that, is hunted by her vengeful ex-husband. Without thinking, the two lovers run away together and get caught up in a whirlwind of fantastic adventures.
Milkman Kosta is blessed with good fortune: not only does he make it across the front line unscathed on his donkey day after day, but he is also chosen as a bridegroom by the village beauty Milena. But then Kosta falls head over heels in love with a mysterious Italian woman who, however, is already promised to the war hero Žaga and, on top of that, is hunted by her vengeful ex-husband. Without thinking, the two lovers run away together and get caught up in a whirlwind of fantastic adventures.