Singing and Tweetering

Short Film/Animation, France 2021

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Storming our ears, music fills our hearts with joy and our bodies come alive! Young and old, humans and animals, everyone will get on board… This programme of animated shorts lasting just over an hour is a visual and auditory delight for young and less young alike. Music and sound are evoked in many ways: music brings us together and protects us, it expresses our feelings and sometimes even defines us, it accompanies us, but never in a totally neutral way, and it can be found in everything. A must-see! Here are the short films of the programme: Maestro, Illogic (2019) Sounds between the crowns, Filip DIVIAK (2020) Le chant des grenouilles (Frog’s song), Violaine PASQUET (2016) Mido et les instrumeaux (Mido and the instrumals), Roman GUILLANTON (2020) Leitmotif, J. NØRGAARD, M.I. HOLMRIIS, M. JØRGENSEN, M. THORHAUGE (2009) Grands canons, Alain BIET (2018) The Odd Sound out, P. SIHM, I.M. SCHOUW ANDREASEN (2013) Le ballet (The ballet), Louis THOMAS (2012) Rhapsodie pour un pot au feu (Stewpot Rhapsody), C. CAMBON DE LA VALETTE, S. MERCIER, S. MOUTON, M. ROUSSEL (2012)
65 min
Starting at 6
Audio language:
no dialogue

More information

Original title:

Fanfares & Gazouillis

Original language:

no dialogue


16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

Audio language:

no dialogue