Season 1 | Episode 12

Mord mit Aussicht

Comedy/Crime, Germany 2008

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Sophie feels increasingly lonely in Hengasch and seriously considers quitting the police force and returning to Cologne. However, she is somewhat distracted from her gloomy thoughts by another murder case: DIY store owner Pfaff is shot dead while Nordic walking in front of his wife and an employee. Pfaff ran his hardware store with an iron hand, and several recent incidents indicate that he had enemies - but is the perpetrator really to be sought in the wider community? Because the best motives for the crime are actually the people who were present at the murder. But how could they have done it? So while Sophie tries to unravel the mysteries of two marriages that don't really work well, one partnership works furiously: Heike and Dietmar have gone to Holland in a camper van and are experiencing their second honeymoon there, despite pouring rain.
49 min
FSK 12
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Joseph Orr


Gebhard Henke


Petra Kleinert (Heike Schäffer)

Caroline Peters (Commissioner Sophie Haas)

Bjarne Mädel (Chief Police Officer Dietmar Schäffer)

Meike Droste (Police Chief Bärbel Schmied)

Michael Hanemann (Hans Zielonka)

Hans Peter Hallwachs (Hannes Haas)

Original title:

Mord mit Aussicht

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

Audio language:
